Fondazione Malagutti onlus was born in 2002 to defend children and their rights. It helps minors who are victims of mistreatments, violence or without parental relationship; it aims to bring: affection, love and hopes for the future in their life. Children and teens are welcome in a protected Structure where, thanks to the educators, they face their trauma and plan a new project of life. Its will to be a contribution for the creation of a better world stimulates Fondazione Malagutti onlus to feed its helpful activity with some initiatives for the promotion of Child’s rights. A new idea was born for a major manifestation that will gather moments of amusement and careful consideration, attainable both for children and adults, an experience for family and skilled people working in childhood field: International Children’s Rights Festival. Three days dedicated to the Convention on the rights of the child, with a particular analysis on: migration, nutrition, game. Society needs to be aware of the importance to defend children’s rights and improve growth conditions in order to assure a happy future to the new generations.
For information and charible contributions: fondazionemalagutti.onlus.it