An important ceremony launched “International Children’s Rights Festival”, with the participation of the authority, moved by the saveguard of children’s rights: Mattia Palazzi (Mayor Mantova), Alessandro Pastacci (President of the Province of Mantua), Mons. Roberto Busti (Bishop of Mantua). With Giovanni Malagutti (President of Fondazione Malagutti onlus) the President of Unicef of Mantua Edda Caramaschi Gandolfi underlined his engagement for childhood.
Children have been the main characters of the ceremony: “Voci in Festa“, the chorus made by children as well as children from different ethnic group and religion have represented the 5 continents. All togheter they have launched 195 balloons bringing an important message: “Human right must be made a fact not an idealistic dream” (L. Ron Hubbard).
The ceremony ended with the exhibition of the band from Castelgoffredo (MN).